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Satin Guinea Pigs

Satin Historia

The Satin guinea pig is so named because it has a glossy, reflective coat that is fine and silky. Its distinctive feature is its hair type, it has a hollow hair shaft which allows the light to pass through it and give it its unique sheen. The Satin is another relatively new breed, being first imported from America in 1986.

Satin Beteende

The Satin gene is a recessive gene, and Satins should never be bred to each other, but mated with a solid colour, or a solid colour carrying the satin gene. Satins do not tend to be as long-lived as other breeds of guinea pigs, but they are popular as they are so attractive.

Satin Varianter

Almost every self colour has now been satinised. Attempts have also been made to satinise other breeds too, such as the Agouti and Dalmatian.

Satin Status

Relativt vanlig

Bilder på Satin

Shimano hane himalayan satin

Satin till salu

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